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SQL on Azure for beginners 1 - Create a database with tables, insert and update data

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SQL on Azure for beginners 1 - Create a database with tables, insert and update data

4 ratings

About SQL on Azure for beginners 1

*This is a FREE product when you enter 0 as price.

What will you learn?

Build your first SQL database on Azure, create tables and insert data into the tables - fast, efficient and easy to follow.

  • How to claim your free 12 months Azure subscription (if you haven't got an Azure account yet)
  • Create a SQL database on Azure,
  • Create tables for your SQL database using the Azure SQL Query editor and T-SQL,
  • Insert 5 rows of data into each of your tables using the Azure SQL Query editor adn T-SQL.
  • Check your Inserts using Select queries in the query editor using T-SQL.
  • Update data using the Azure SQL Query editor and T-SQL.

What do you get?

SQL on Azure for beginners 1 consists of:

Roadmap of the content


Walk through the content, summary and important links

Exercise book

  • Exercise DDL1: How to claim your free 12 months Azure subscription.
  • Exercise DDL2: How to create a SQL database on Azure.
  • Exercise DDL3: How to create tables for your SQL database on Azure.
  • Exercise DML1: How to insert data into the tables on your SQL database on Azure.
  • Exercise DML2: How to update data in your tables on your SQL database on Azure.


4 Videos, 37 mins

  1. How to create a SQL database on Azure.
  2. How to create tables for your SQL database on Azure.
  3. How to insert data into tables on a SQL database in Azure.
  4. How to update data on a SQL database on Azure - New!


Copy-and-paste scripts so you don't have to spend hours creating your own scripts.

Who is SQL on Azure for beginners 1 for?

  • If you are new to Azure and still hesitant to dip your toes in the Azure waters, this is the perfect opportunity to get started.
  • Claim your free Azure subscription now and join me in creating your first SQL database "in the cloud", using Azure SQL and the Azure SQL query editor. Follow the step-by-step instructions in the Exercise book to create your Azure subscription.
  • If you are new to SQL, or busy studying SQL (maybe you are busy with the MTA 98-361 - Understanding databases objective), be one step ahead and move directly to SQL on Azure.
  • If your time to learn how to create a database and tables on Azure SQL, and how to insert and update data is limited, this is the product for you!

Benefits of SQL on Azure for beginners

You do not need any SQL installations (SQL server or SQL Server Management Studio) on your local PC - use the online platform and tools that Azure already has in place for you for SQL databases and queries. 

  • SQL on Azure for beginners 1 is FREE!
  • Be a step ahead of your peers and learn SQL directly on Azure!
  • Learn fast with a roadmap, easy-to-follow videos, copy-and-paste scripts and an exercise book.
  • Have a complete SQL database with tables and inserted data on Azure when you are done.
  • Look forward to a follow-up product when you are done - the most recent were Update queries. Delete and select queries to follow soon!
  • Access to personal assistance on your future SQL learning journey.
  • Get a huge discount for the Understanding databases study guide with more explanations, examples and exercises for learning SQL, including queries, stored procedures, transactions, and data access from front end apps.

Who created the product and is presenting the videos?

Hi, I am Sonia...

My journey with SQL began in 2001 when I started studying SQL as part of the requirements for getting an MCSD. I passed my first SQL international exam in 2002, the 70-229 exam: Designing and implementing databases with SQL server 2000 Enterprise edition. Since then I have continuously worked with SQL when developing apps and kept upgrading taking the latest SQL exams, the last being the 70-761 exam, Querying data with T-SQL. I have created many SQL courses, manuals and study guides, from fundamentals to advanced.

My journey with Azure started in 2013, when the Azure development exam became one of the compulsory exams to pass and earn the MCAD and MCSD certifications. I passed the Developing Microsoft Azure and Web services exam (70-487) in 2013 and have, since then, created many Azure courses, manuals and study guides.

My journey with SQL an Azure is still continuing with this package, SQL on Azure for beginners 1…

So without further ado, let's get started.

  1. Enter your price - this is a free product if you enter 0 as price,
  2. Click I want this and access your product.
  3. Start with the Roadmap and Walkthrough documents to navigate through the videos and exercise book.


Happy learning and enjoy the journey!

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Create your first SQL database on Azure, create tables, insert and update data with: Four videos, a roadmap, a downloadable exercise book and copy-and-paste scripts.

Create database
Create tables
Data Inserts
Exercise book
Update data
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